Menus Click-hold to expose a menu listing; drag down the menu listing to highlight/select list items; release mouse-key to activate highlighted list item. List item with right-pointing arrow indicates a submenu; submenus operate as described above. File menu New [-n] Opens new, blank database file. Open… [-o] Access standard Open dialog box; locate a Presenter 3D file (v3.6.x or Presenter Professional v3.x), then click on Open button to Open the database file. Close Closes the active database file. Save [-s] Access standard Save dialog box (or overwrites named file); enter name in the Save as: data field; choose a location, then click on Save button to Save the database file. Save As… Access standard Save dialog box; enter name in the Save as: data field; choose a location, then click on Save button to Save the database file. Open Library… Access standard Open dialog box; locate a Presenter 3D file (v3.6.x or Presenter Professional v3.x), then click on Open to put the file items in the Libraries palette. Import… Transfers to v3.x I/O (Open dialog box). General Quits ModelPro and launches v3.x IO module. Select the desired import option from the File Type menu; set the Config and Prefs as necessary; locate the appropriate file; click Open button to import the file to ModelPro (makes file translation; quits v3.x IO module and launches ModelPro; opens ModelPro file from which Import was selected; inserts imported file into database.) Prefs (button) Click button to access dialog box. On Input (two radio buttons) Expand inserts into separate groups Convert inserts into Library references On Output -- has no effect on import File Type (pull-down menu) v1.5 Model File (Presenter Professional v1.5.x models) Config (button) -- Access dialog box; has no effect on import Cyberware Dimensions Design Config (button) -- Access dialog box On Input Skip hidden groups (check box) On Output -- has no effect on import DXF ElectricImage FACT EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript Format file) Config (button) -- Access dialog box On Output -- has no effect on import IGES Config (button) -- Access dialog box On Input (check box) Convert Lines/Arcs to Wire-Frame Surfaces PICT or PICT3D Postscript Font (Type 1 Postscript printer font) Config (button) -- Access dialog box (2 radio buttons; one data field) Read Entire Character Set; Read String (two radio buttons) Click on Read Entire Character Set to configure the import to translate the entire character set of the selected PostScript font. Click on Read String to enable the data field; type characters in the data field to be translated from the selected Postscript font. OK (button) Click button to return to Open dialog; then locate/select the desired font for translation. Super3D Text VersaCAD Config (button) -- Access dialog box (two radio buttons) Read Solids as Surfaces (Render) Read Solids as Lines (wire-frames) Quickdraw 3DMF Access standard Open dialog; locate/select the desired 3DMF file. Here are a few solutions to problems encountered by our users: General Must import to an open file. error -108 or 108 during the transfer from program to program is due to lack of system memory. Check memory on V3IO application. Make sure it is at least 2 times your model size (3 times is better). ModelPro and v3.x IO memory allocation should not be set so high that there is not extra 200K or so left for the system. error -51 is a path error (for disk location). The file to be imported needs to be in the same location as v3.x IO application. error -36 is an I/O error. Usually this is bad media. Export… Transfers to v3.x I/O (Save dialog box). General Quits ModelPro and launches v3.x IO module. Select the desired export option from the File Type menu; set the Config and Prefs as necessary; click Save button to export the file; opens ModelPro file from which Export was selected. Prefs (button) Click button to access dialog box. On Input -- has no effect on export On Output (18 radio buttons; two check boxes) Spline Breakup (9 radio buttons) Click on a button to determine the complexity/smoothness of the exported spline shapes (low numbers are “coarse”; high numbers are “smooth”) Spline Surface Breakup (9 radio buttons) Click on a button to determine the complexity/smoothness of the exported spline surfaces.(low numbers are “coarse”; high numbers are “smooth”) Write Invisible Groups (check box) Create Groups for Unsupported Elements (check box) File Type (pull-down menu) v1.5 Model File (Presenter Professional v1.5.x models) Config (button) -- Access dialog box; has no effect on export Dimensions Design On Output Skip Hidden Groups (check box) Output File Format (two radio buttons) Click on the radio button for the desired file type for export: Dimensions 1.18 or Design 2.0 DXF ElectricImage FACT There are two ways to export a Presenter Professional file as FACT: 1. from ModelPro--uses EIAS µ file -- Export > File menu. 2. from Presenter--uses EIAS Pµ file -- Export > File menu. These files belong in the Presenter Plug-ins folder. Following are a few hints from users who regularly export to FACT: You can export your model in pieces by turning folders on or off, only the objects you see get exported. If the models appear faceted in EIAS, try importing the FACT file in EI instead of just opening the FACT file (make sure the smooth polygons box is checked). Also, if your model dosen't show up, go into it's object attributes and make sure there are no "?" or "inf" in any of the parameters, if there are just set them to 0. When you import a FACT file into EIAS, turn on "fix cone point shading". This helps with the smoothness of the models. The only problems you will run into is with some booleans and any joined splines that have been extruded. (ie. the letter "O"). If you have cloned a model in ModelPro, that will screw up the models’ coordinates when it is taken into EIAS. But you can fix those just by typing in 0,0,0 into the coordinates dialog in EI. EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript Format file) On Output 2D File View (six radio buttons) Click on a radio button to determine which 2D view will be exported (Top XZ, Right YZ, Front XY, Top Skew, Front Skew, Right Skew). VersaCAD Config (button) -- no effect on export. VIDI Public Wavefront Quickdraw 3DMF Access standard Save dialog. Page Setup… Access standard Page Setup dialog box; make entries and/or selections, then click on OK to save the settings and exit the dialog box. Print… [-p] Access ModelPro Print dialog box. Window Orientation For Print (two radio buttons; two check boxes) All Object Windows Tiled (layout shown to right) Use Window Scale and Center (layout shown at right) Windows to Print (six check boxes) Click on Top, Front, Right, Angled to include in print out (screen resolution PICT). (layout shown at top-right) Click on Group List and/or With Library Usage to print out the Groups palette list and/or Library palette list. To File (button) Prints the selected windows to a file rather than to your printer. Render/Animation Quits ModelPro and launches Presenter. Quit [-q] Quits ModelPro to Finder. Edit menu Undo [-z] returns model status to pre (20 levels). Cut [-x] removes selected item from database (to ModelPro clipboard). The ModelPro clipboard is separate from the System clipboard; it handles the special dataset created by ModelPro; this data cannot be pasted into other applications. Copy [-c] copies selected item to ModelPro clipboard. Paste [-v] pastes contents of ModelPro clipboard into database. Clear [-b] removes selected item from database (cannot Undo or Paste). Select All [-a] selects all items in database. Redo [-r] Applies the previous (determined by Undo). Clone [-w] creates exact duplicate of selected item and its position. Duplicate… [-=] Access ModelPro Duplicate dialog box. Total # (data field) Make an entry (whole number > 1) to determine how many copies of the item will be made (including the original item). Move ∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) to determine how far along the three primary axes the copies will be spread. Resize Ratio X, Y, Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) to determine how the copies will be enlarged/reduced in the three primary dimensions. (1.0 = same size; 0.5 = 50% of original size; 1.5 = 150% of original size) Rotate° TopXZ, FrontXY, RightYZ (3 data fields) Make entries (degrees) to determine how the copies will be rotated in the three primary planes. Rotate Copies Must be “on” for Rotate° to take effect. Center of Rotation X, Y, Z (pull-down menu; three data fields) Select a center for Rotate° from the pull-down menu (coordinates will show in the data fields), or make entries (Units) to precisely set the center. Resize Affects Rotation (check box) Method (two radio buttons) Click on Polar to spread the copies about the Center of Rotation. Click on Linear to spread the copies along a straight line. Distribute (two radio buttons) Click on Incremental to apply Move, Resize Ratio, and Rotate° to each copy in relation to the previous copy (i.e. set Linear Method, Move (∆x) to 3 inches, Total# to 4; the last copy will be 9 inches from the initial copy in the x-direction.) Click on Distribute to apply Move, Resize Ratio, and Rotate° to the whole set of copies (i.e. set Linear Method, Move (∆x) to 3 inches, Total# to 4; the last copy will be 3 inches from the initial copy in the x-direction.) Preferences… Access ModelPro Preferences dialog boxes. Save Preferences (button) -- saves special settings for the next modeling session. General Preferences Beep After Long Functions Sound indicates function is complete. Auto Update Library Items Changes made to Library Items will be passed along to all instances of the item. Delete Spline After 3D Operation Removes 2D spline after 3D operation has been performed, creating 3D spline mesh. 3D Operations Create Folders When 3D Operations are performed, a folder (group) is automatically created to hold the result of the operation Relax Snapping Distance (7 pixels) Cursor snaps when clicked within 7 pixels of target (relaxed from 3 pixels). Hide Palettes Instead of Closing Converts Close box to Windowshade box on floating palettes. Screen Preferences Vertex Options (three radio buttons) Click to display vertices at the desired size (1 or 3 or 5 pixels) Origin Lines; Depth Lines; Axis Indicators (three check boxes) Click to toggle display “on/off” Drawing Preferences Scale Options (two pull-down menus) Decimal Places Make a selection from the menu to determine the accuracy level at which you will be modeling. Units Make a selection from the menu to make your modeling space adequate/correspond to your model’s real-world size. Cursor Types (five radio buttons) Click on a radio button to determine what the cursors will look like as you model your scene. (samples shown to right) Grid Preferences Visible Grid X, Y, Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) to determine the size of the visible grid. Link Y, Z (two check boxes) Duplicates entry made in X data field into Y and/or Z data field(s). Snapping Grid X, Y, Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) to determine the size of the snapping grid. Link Y, Z (two check boxes) Duplicates entry made in X data field into Y and/or Z data field(s). Colors Preferences (eight color chits) Click on a chit to access standard color picker, then change to the color desired. Background (all View windows) Depth Lock (crossed-lines) Camera Window Grid (3D View window grid display) Drawing Window Grid (Orthogonal View windows grid display) Origin (crossed-lines); Guides (lines) Markers (numbered crosshairs) Default Drawing Color Shading Preferences Faster Spline Drawing Speeds redraw in 3D View window (takes more RAM). Enhanced Copy Bits Speeds redraw in Orthogonal View windows (takes more RAM). Facet Shading for Shaded View Speeds redraw in 3D View window. Relax clipping in QuickRender Allows very close view of items in 3D View window. QD3D Save 3DMF instead of PICT Makes “camera” button on 3D view window into export button. 3DMF file as TEXT Makes 3DMF export text file rather than straight 3DMF. Spline Contours as Lines Makes exported spline contours segmented straight-lines. Windows menu Re-display [-d] Redraws images in the View windows and the 3D View window. Top [-1] Makes the Top View window the active window. Front [-2] Makes the Front View window the active window. Right [-3] Makes the Right View window the active window. 3D Window [-4] Makes the 3D Preview window the active window. Palettes Displays Palettes pull-down menu. Statistics Displays Statistics palette (check mark). Tools Displays Tools palette (check mark). Snapping Displays Snapping palette (check mark). Groups Displays Groups palette (check mark). Tool Info Displays Tool Info palette (check mark). Status Line Displays Status Line palette (check mark). Libraries Displays Libraries palette (check mark). Display Image [-e] Access Standard Open dialog box. Locate/Select a PICT file; view PICT. Choose Copy PICT into Database from title bar pull-down to paste the PICT into the Front View window to use as template. Use the Selector tool to move the PICT about in the View window(s). Clean Up windows Arranges windows/palettes into default configuration. Fits default configuration to monitor size. Options menu Show Rulers Toggles Rulers display on/off (check mark). (Rulers display along top/left edges of View windows). Show Guides Toggles Guide lines display on/off in the View windows (check mark). Show Grid Toggles Grid lines display on/off in the View windows (check mark). Show Depth Line Toggles Depth Line(s) on/off in the View windows (check mark). Show Markers Toggles Markers display on/off in the View windows (check mark). Snap to Guides Forces cursor to snap to Guide lines; within 3 pixels (check mark). Lock Guides Holds Guide lines in position in the View windows (check mark). Clear All Guides Removes all Guides from the View windows (check mark). (Includes "Locked" Guides.) Clear All Markers Removes all Markers from the View windows (check mark). Group menu Group [-g] Gather selected items into new folder (Groups palette). Access "Add Folder" dialog box. Enter a name in the Name for new folder data field; click on Add button to perform the operation. Ungroup [-u] Extract items from selected folder (Groups palette; deletes selected folder). Create Folder [-f] Access "Add Folder" dialog box. Enter a name in the Name for new folder data field; click on Add button to perform the operation. Information [-i] Access Information dialog box for selected item. Name (pull-down menu; data field) Make a selection to display Information for another item in the database. Make an entry (characters) to change the item name. Info Type Data type (i.e. Torus or Multi-line or Spline Mesh). Size Amount of space the item takes in memory (bytes). Path Indicates what folders (if any) the item is contained in. Options (three check boxes) Filled/Capped For closed paths, indicates whether or not the shape is surfaced. For 3D volumes with two ends (i.e. cylinder), indicates whether or not one of the ends is surfaced. Capped For 3D volumes with two ends (i.e. cylinder), indicates whether or not the end opposite the Filled/Capped end is surfaced. Assembly Applys to 3D volumes created with the Boolean tool; uncheck Assembly to provide access to the original volumes used to create the Boolean volume (Groups palette). Must be unchecked to use MacRenderMan’s CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) feature. Rotation Point X, Y, Z (three data fields; one pull-down menu) Make entries (Units) to precisely position the rotation point of the item. Select the desired item from the pull-down menu (right-pointing arrow) to set the rotation point of the item. Size X, Y, Z (info display only) Shows the absolute value dimensions of the item bounding box. Morph Object Converts selected object from Spline Mesh data type to Morphable Spline Mesh data type (only available in v3.2 or later). Perform vertex/surface manipulations on target items for use in Presenter with the Morph Animator plug-in. Click on Morphable Spline Mesh to access Morphing Objects Parameters dialog box. Morphing Objects Parameters (dialog box) Morphables displays info on the number of targets created, in addition to the Master. Add (button) Click to make a target duplicate of the Master item. Copy (button)] Click to make a target duplicate of the selected target item. Kill (button) Click to delete the selected target item from the list. –> Real (button) Click to convert the selected target item into a Spline Mesh data type. Item List Lists the Master item and all of the targets created. Click in the circle next to an item to select/display that item (in preparation to perform vertex/surface manipulation on the item.) Solid black circle indicates the item is selected/displayed. Click on the name to edit/change the name; move the cursor to desired place in the name then add and/or delete characters to the name. Add Normals On polygon meshes only, adds normals to ensure smooth surface rendering. Operations menu Transform… [-t] Access Transform dialog box. Translate X, Y, Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) to pricisely set the distance the selected item will move in the three principal directions. Rotate TopXZ, FrontXY, RightYZ (three data fields) Make entries (degrees) to precisely set the amount of rotation the item will make around the Center of Transform in each of the principal planes. Resize (two radio buttons; one check box; three data fields) Click on Ratio to set the data fields to display the resize as a ratio (i.e. 0.5 = 50%). Click on Actual to set the data fields to display the actual dimensions of the item’s bounding box. Click on Same (only for use with Ratio) to set the Y and Z data fields to duplicate the value entered in the X data field. Make entries (Units (Actual) or positive number (Ratio)) to precisely enlarge/reduce the selected item. Center of Transform (one pull-down menu; three data fields) Make a selection from the pull-down menu to position the point about which the item transformation will be centered. Make entries (Units) to precisely position the point about which the item transformation will be centered. Join Elements [-j] Gathers selected, closed, isoplanar 2D contours into new folder (Groups palette). Creates a closed, 2D contour with a "hole(s)." (The smaller contour(s) must be completely enclosed by the larger contour, and must be isoplanar (on the same plane.) Connects selected, open 2D contours. (Must have coincident endpoints.) Align… Access Align dialog box Notice how the generalized illustration (bottom of the dialog) changes as different settings are employed; this will help you to decide how to align items as you desire. X, Y, Z (three check boxes) Click to cause selected items to align with one another along the three primary directions/dimensions. Align; Distribute (two radio buttons) Click on Align to cause selected items to align edges or centers as choosen below. Click on Distribute to cause selected items to be spread evenly over the total width/height/depth (as choosen below) of of the selected items. Left; Centers; Right; Width/Height/Depth (four radio buttons) Choose one to determine whether the selected items will align, in the plane determined above, along their Left edges, along their Centers, along their Right edges, or spread evenly over the total Width/Height/Depth Move To… [-m] Access Move To dialog box Use the Information Only displays to determine the precise locations for the Move-To operation. Section (pull-down menu) Choose Front, Middle, Back to determine which Section of the item’s bounding box is highlighhted in the generalized bounding box illustration (bottom-left of the dialog box); or click on the illustration to highlight the desired Section. Bounding Box Illustration (bottom-left of the dialog box) Displays a generalized bounding box for the selected item. The bounding box is split into three Sections (Front, Middle, Back); click on the illustration to highlight the desired Section. Each Section employs eight edge points, and one center point; the highlighted point is solid-white. Current Location X, Y, Z (information only) Displays the coordinate information for the highlighted point in the bounding box illustration. Last Offset X, Y, Z (information only) Displays the coordinate information for the previous Move-To operation. New Offset X, Y, Z (information only) Displays the coordinate information corresponding to the values determined by the From/To pull-down selections. From/To (pull-down menus) Make selections from the menus to determine the Move-To Offset parameters. Move To X, Y, Z (three data fields) Make entries (Units) depending upon how the From/To pull-down selections are made, to determine the Move To Offset parameters. Click on the boxed arrows to duplicate the coordinate information displayed in Current Location. Again (button) Click to repeat the Move-To operation using the Last Offset parameters.